Our Services

Experiences in life help shape who we are today

We believe an active life helps you build your experiences. Our domiciliary home support not only gets you prepared for the day ahead but also enables you to make choices and contribute culturally to the social diversity of your community. We believe living with a disability should not effect your quality of life.

Our support services can be obtained by self payment or from your local authority.

Dyffryn Agency support includes

  • We positively encourage people to become as independent as they possibly can and lead fulfilling lives.

  • We enable people to develop daily living skills by using various approaches that include person centred tools and the Active Support model. How much and the style of assistance always depends on your individual needs.

  • We plan your support with you and with the people that know you well. This will be your Service Delivery Plan and it changes as you learn new things.

  • We aim to make sure that you get the right person to support you .

  • We can support you to do lots of things such as paying bills, visiting your doctor and getting your shopping.

  • Your weekly social calendar may include visiting family and friends, going  swimming, theatres, clubs, cinemas etc. You name it; we can help you do it.

  • We can also support you to find employment.

Be the person that you want to be

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